A Vote For Avery is a Vote to:
Restore Trolley Service
Did you know, in 2021 our trolleys moved 50,000 people in just 3 months? Before it was shut down, the Shoreline Explorer was the spine that connected the region's various other trollies, buses, and trains together. Without it, the homes and businesses on Route 1 no longer benefit from the increased economic activity and reduced traffic that trolleys provide. If you ask the current board, they will feed you tired excuses about a shortage of CDL drivers. In reality, our shortage is of leaders who can see past a problem and find a solution. As Selectman, I promise to work with YCCC to offset the cost of CDL certifications for our potential school bus and trolley drivers. We will offer competitive, wages with the understanding that every dollar we invest in public transportation yields five dollars in economic returns for the community. Together we will reduce traffic, ease the strain on parking, and allow everyone to get where they need to go!
Defend Our Lifeguards
Did you know that last year Wells cut three lifeguard stands from our beaches? Thanks to the vigilance of our lifeguards, locals and visitors can enjoy our waters without worrying about getting sucked away by a rip tide. Without lifeguards, our tourism economy is cooked. So why is it that many of them cannot afford to live in our town? Why do roughly half of our lifeguards need to work multiple jobs? It is high time that we supported them as much as they support us! With your vote this June, I will advocate for better pay to retain and attract some of our most crucial public employees and ensure the safety of all our beach goers!
Pass The Comprehensive Plan
As I’m sure you are aware the town of Wells has been without a guiding planning document since 2005! From transportation to cost of living to water resource management, many of the issues we face today require long term thinking. If elected to represent you as Selectman, I will make sure that the public comments we gathered in 2023 are considered thoughtfully and implemented into the Comprehensive Plan. When decisions are made that will directly effect our future, everyone deserves to have a seat at the table! Only then, will have a plan that we can all feel proud to implement.
Expand Outdoor Recreation
Wells’ trails and nature preserves are key to our tourism economy, local quality of life, and the environment as a whole. I will work closely with the Conservation Committee and Planning Board to identify and direct resources to maintaining neighborhood trails so that residents have safe places to walk with their families and enjoy the outdoors. And when new neighborhoods go in, we will ensure that walking trails and sidewalks are included from the jump. Completing The Eastern Trail is a high priority for me! If you have spent anytime biking, jogging, or walking your dog on the Kennebunk segment, you will undoubtably understand the enormous value of bringing the trail to our community. Finally, I will push for a multi use path between YCCC and the Train Station. Connecting our communities with trails and sidewalks is key to getting students, workers, tourists, and residents to their destinations while also providing a safe place to enjoy the outdoors.